Off-campus there is much talk about free speech on campus, and we now have a new 2023 Higher Education Act that emphasises the immense value of free speech in our liberal democracy. Yet both on campus and off it, much public talk about free speech is marred by negative approaches and behaviours. We must therefore work out how to turn this free speech debate into positive and productive action. If universities are to avoid squandering their collective responsibilities to future generations, we must, first, relearn how to discuss openly and in trust the human bonds that hold us together; second, accept and manage disagreement better; and third, involve academic and student voices actively in democratic processes to build a more just world for ourselves, our communities, and our institutions. Working with Professor Alison Scott-Baumann of SOAS, this Consultation will review new initiatives for working towards these goals, including developing trust, managing complex topics productively, disagreeing well, and taking university expertise out into the real world, to Westminster and beyond.