She Leads America/UK

Saturday 1st – Monday 3rd June 2024

Faith Based Solutions for Modern Day Challenges

This consultation is for Christian women in leadership across all sectors of society from the USA and the UK exploring “Faith Based Solutions for Modern Day Challenges.”

The topics include, “Bringing the World Back to Life” examining the Biblical view of LIFE from the “womb to the tomb and beyond.”

“The Dignity of Women” looking at the increasing attack on womanhood and the safety and equality of women in society today. Discussing the practical ways we can restore our identity and the dignity of women wherever they find themselves.

“Ethnic Harmony”addressing the advantages and challenges of a multicultural society. How to connect with and serve our new neighbors.

“The utilization of Media to amplify our compelling message”- what are the advantages and challenges of media today.  How do we get a positive message out in a negative media environment.